Quan trọng: Nếu bạn nhận được thông báo rằng Nhấp vào Cookie.
Từ đây, bạn có thể: Bật cookie: Bên cạnh "Bị chặn", hãy gạt nút chuyển sang vị trí bật.
Tắt cookie: Tắt tùy chọn Cho phép trang web. 🇪🇸 Spanish.
☆Cookie Géant 🇺🇸☆. Voici comment préparé un gâteau cookies géant, très riche en pépites de chocolat et idéal à toutes les occasions. Si vous voulez un morceau, likez la vidéo ! Un gros cookie géant ou cookie XXL à partager entre amis au goûter !
Ingredients of ☆Cookie Géant 🇺🇸☆
- You need 175 g of beurre mou.
- It's 120 g of sucre cassonade.
- Prepare 120 g of sucre semoule.
- Prepare 1 of œuf.
- You need 300 g of farine.
- You need 6 g of levure chimique.
- Prepare 190 g of pépites chocolat au lait.
- Prepare 190 g of pépites de chocolat blanc.
Cara, Sonrisa, Rubor, Cara Feliz Con Ojos Sonrientes, Ojo. 🇮🇹 Italian. Faccina Con Occhi Sorridenti, Occhi Sorridenti, Felice, Sorriso, Faccina. 🇷🇺 Russian. 🇺 (U) and 🇸 (S) are "regional indicator symbols", Unicode's solution to encoding country flags. Cookies are small text files that the browser uses to record data from sites that you've visited. Later, three other voice dramas popularly known together as "Cookie☆☆" were organized by Taisa and picked up by Cookie☆ fans who remade these videos in MMD videos In addition to these videos, several other Touhou voice dramas or videos have been included or pulled into the Cookie☆ family.
☆Cookie Géant 🇺🇸☆ instructions
- Préchauffer le four à 170C.
- Sortir le beurre 1h avant de l’utiliser pour qu’il devienne facilement pommade. Ajouter le sucre et mélanger.
- Ajouter l’œuf entier et mélanger.
- Incorporer la farine et la levure en plusieurs fois et travailler la pâte avec les mains (gros kiffe).
- Terminer en ajoutant les pépites de chocolat.
- Former une boule et l’aplatir sur une plaque recouverte de papier cuisson (💡je saupoudre de fleur de sel).
- Enfourner pour 15 minutes (+ 3 minutes supplémentaires four éteint).
- Laisser refroidir sur une grille.
- Déguster 😋.
A golden-brown chocolate chip cookie, or biscuit, though representing the baked treat more generally. A cookie is a baked or cooked food that is typically small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar and some type of oil or fat. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts.