Comme faire un fon pain avec tomate, cuisine catalane.
How to do a good bread with tomato, catalan cooking.
Ever since we moved to Barcelona, I've been getting lots and lots of requests for …tomato bread. ♡.
Tomato bread || Pain tomate 🍞. Pan con tomate is just about as humble as tapas can get. It's got only five ingredients—bread, tomato, olive oil, garlic, and salt—and requires barely any actual cooking, yet it's precisely this simplicity and restraint that make it such a perfect end-of-summer dish. Com fer un bon pa amb tomà quet, cuina catalana.
Ingredients of Tomato bread || Pain tomate 🍞
- It's of Ingrédients sec.
- You need 375 gr of farine 🌾.
- You need 1 of sachet levure chimique.
- Prepare 1 of cac bicarbonate de soude.
- Prepare 1 of pincée de sel 🧂.
- Prepare 1 of cas basilic 🌿.
- Prepare 1 of cac origan 🌿.
- Prepare 1/2 of cac d’ail en poudre 🧄.
- You need 1 of cac Ă©chalotes.
- It's of Ingrédients liquide.
- You need 60 ml of huile d’olive.
- You need 40 ml of lait 🥛.
- You need 350 ml of purée de tomates 🍅.
- You need 30 gr of tomate concentrée 🥫.
Or as its called in Catalan, pa amb tomĂ quet. Or in Spanish, pan con tomate. Trouvez aussi d'excellentes recettes de Empanadas au thon, tomate et poivrons ! I enjoy making homemade bread with this recipe.
Tomato bread || Pain tomate 🍞 step by step
- Préchauffe ton four à 190c. Mélange les ingrédients sec d’un côté et les liquides de l’autre ensuite mélange les ensembles. Voilà ! Plus qu’à verser la pâte dans un moule (au choix) ⏱40 min au four 190c🌡 Pique le pain avec un couteau pour voir s’il est bien cuit. (Si le couteau ressort propre alors le pain est cuit) Laisse refroidir dans le moule en recouvrant le dessus avec un chiffon humide.
When I make toasted cheese sandwiches with this bread, it's just like eating pizza. Tomato Bread Recipe photo by Taste of Home. Tomato Bread is simply toasted bread rubbed with fresh garlic and ripe tomato, then drizzled with olive oil and salt. Often it is topped with cheese Pan con Tomate (Bread with Tomato) is sometimes called Pan a la Catalana in other parts of Spain. It is one of the simplest, the most well-loved, the most..con Tomate or Spanish Tomato Bread - This is what happens when I have a crusty loaf of bread A popular tapas dish from Spain, Pan con Tomato is a tomato rubbed garlic bread.