A decadent French dessert consisting of two layers of almond genoise cake soaked in kirsch liqueur syrup, filled with mousseline cream and fresh strawberries and topped with a flavorful homemade marzipan.
A Fraisier cake, is derived from the French word "fraise," meaning strawberry.
My own special version was created in conjunction with my appearance on the American.
Fraisier. Created by David Angell, Peter Casey, David Lee. With Kelsey Grammer, Jane Leeves, David Hyde Pierce, Peri Gilpin. Frasier Crane moves back to his hometown of Seattle, where he lives with his father, and works as a radio psychiatrist.
Ingredients of Fraisier
- It's of Biscuit génoise :.
- It's 4 of oeufs.
- You need 140 g of sucre.
- Prepare 140 g of farine.
- You need of Pincé de sel.
- Prepare of La crème :.
- It's of Crème pâtissière avec 50g flan en poudre avec creme chantilly.
- Prepare of Des fraises en morceaux.
This Fraisier recipe has been brought to you by William and Suzue Curley and features in their Pâtisserie book. Whilst this recipe may look complicated as there are lots of steps, each stage is quite straight forward and it will be worth the time and effort that you put into it as the result looks. Its name simply comes from the French word " Fraises " which means " Strawberries ". A similar cake can be made with Raspberries instead, called Framboisier (for the French word " Framboises " meaning " Raspberries ").
Fraisier instructions
- Coupé la génoise en deux.
- Entre les deux génoise.. on met la moitié de la crème mélanger avec les morceaux de fraises.
- En dessus de la deuxième génoise on met la crème.. et à la fin on décore avec la fraises.
Fraisier is a French cake, its name derived from the word fraise, meaning strawberry. Seattle's most lovable (and pompous) radio shrink, Frasier Crane (Kelsey Grammer), is back for a sixth season of hilarious episodes that finds the good doctor recovering from losing his job; getting a visit from "Cheers" buddy Woody; and choosing between two women. Fraisier : les recettes les plus douces et gourmandes à réaliser. Une recette de fraisier aussi bonne que celle du pâtissier ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin !