After it became a regular drink that Sheridan served at Foynes Port, it eventually grew in popularity and became a specialty drink in the airport itself.
What a great way to celebrate St.
Patrick's Day with a mug of hot and creamy.
Irish coffee. The coffee is drunk through the cream. It's cozy, delicious, and incredibly easy to make. First, you'll want to warm the mugs.
Ingredients of Irish coffee
- You need 3 cl of whiskey irlandais.
- You need 1.5 cl of Sucre de canne liquide.
- It's of Crème fouettée.
- Prepare 4 cl of café.
Irish Coffee may not be the first coffee drink with alcohol, but it has become one of the most Combining coffee with Irish whiskey, brown sugar and lightly whipped cream, Irish Coffee is a hot. Create the perfect Irish Coffee using Jameson Whiskey with this step-by-step guide. When it comes to coffee drinks, there's nothing more quintessentially Irish than adding in a little drop of Jameson. This Irish coffee lives up to its reputation as a relaxing after-dinner drink.
Irish coffee step by step
- Pour commencer, je chauffe mon whiskey avec le sucre au bain-marie. Le whiskey est irlandais, le whisky est écossais. C'est pas le débat ici, mais pas le même nombre de distillation. On ne porte pas à ébullition, dans tous les cas....
- On verse de l'eau chaude dans un verre pour le réchauffer. Pendant ce temps, on prépare un bon café. On vide le verre.
- On verse le whiskey sucré dans le verre. On ajoute doucement le café en le faisant glisser sur la paroi..
- On complète avec de la crème fouettée et on n'a plus qu'à déguster... bonne dégustation !😋.
Creme de menthe adds a colorful touch to the cream. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Place sugar on a plate or shallow bowl.