The truth is, muesli sounds like a healthy food at first glance, but it can be a little trickier than some other foods when it comes to.
Bircher muesli is a tasty and healthy alternative to conventional cereals.
Find out about its benefits and how to make it!
Muesli healthy. Muesli is often likened to granola, but it's typically a more natural option with less sugar, making it the healthier option of the two. So, why else should you favor this mish-mash first thing in the morning? Muesli generally contains more healthy fiber, protein. and fat than more cereals and tends to be less processed, too.
Ingredients of Muesli healthy
- Prepare 200 gr of flocon d'avoine.
- Prepare 30 gr of noix de Pécan.
- It's 1 of cas de sucre de coco ou de sucre complet.
- It's 30 gr of d'abricots secs.
- You need 15 gr of dattes séchées.
- Prepare 15 gr of cranberries secs.
- Prepare 20 gr of raisins secs.
- You need 1 of cas de miel.
- You need 10 gr of graine de sésame.
This is a perfect healthy overnight Bircher Muesli recipe. Packed with slow-release energy, protein, fruit and nuts it's a complete tasty package to get. There are plenty of alternatives for a healthy breakfast but some foods are often a reason for the endless debate: are they really healthy or not? Muesli makes a satisfying breakfast - but the crunchy cereal is often not as healthy as it seems.
Muesli healthy instructions
- Préchauffer le four à 165°.
- Mélanger manuellement les flocons d'avoine, le sucre et le miel.
- Déposer le tout sur une plaque de cuisson en silicone. Enfourner 20 min en remuant à la moitié du temps.
- Couper les abricots, les dattes en petits morceaux.
- Mélanger tous les ingrédients aux flocons d'avoines.
- Laisser bien refroidir et les conserver dans une boite hermétique.
Nutritionist Nicole Deed from FoodFight reveals the smartest choice. By Mitch Mandel, The Editors of Men's Health and Thomas MacDonald. Originating in Switzerland, muesli is a fiber-and-protein power combination of rolled oats, dried fruits, and nuts. This is a great healthy muesli recipe. A wide variety of healthy muesli options are available to you, such as baked.