It takes minutes to make and has enough protein and nutrients to be a quick, on-the-go breakfast option.
Creamy, thick chia pudding that's easy to make, nutritious, and so delicious!
The chia pudding should be thick and creamy.
Chia pudding. Chia pudding is the perfect healthy breakfast or snack to meal prep for the week. Chia Pudding - The Ultimate Healthy Dessert? If you're new to chia seeds, this easy recipe is a great starting point.
Ingredients of Chia pudding
- It's 150 ml of lait végétal.
- Prepare 2 cuillères à soupe of graines de chia.
- It's 1 of filet de sirop d’agave ou autre sucrant.
- You need 1 of pincée de cannelle.
- You need 1 of pincée de vanille en poudre.
- It's of Quelques myrtilles pour donner la couleur.
- It's of Décoration.
- It's of Fruits de votre choix.
If not, add more chia seeds, stir, and refrigerate for another hour or so. Whether you're obsessed with chia pudding or are just hearing about it for the first time (oh man, are you in for it), the magical dish that can be eaten for both breakfast AND dessert is a top contender in. How to Make Chia Pudding Taste Good. Chia pudding is awesome for breakfast, snack, and even dessert.
Chia pudding instructions
- Le soir : mélanger tous les ingrédients et réserver au frigo la nuit..
- Le lendemain matin, ajouter vos fruits dessus et déguster !.
Healthy chia seed pudding recipes are super easy to make, don't require any cooking, and you can easily change up the flavors. This chia pudding is so easy and simple. You can make a few chia seed pudding at a time. Chia seed pudding might just be the easiest healthy breakfast you can make. All you have to do is stir chia seeds and milk together along with any sweetener of choice and a couple of hours later you've.